Back in the Game
Last year was not kind to my websites as I lost all three of my sites. Not going to cry over spilled milk so I am building a new site and will start fresh for 2020. I learned some valuable lessons along the way.
This year I will be blogging on my Assemblage Art, Mixed Media Art and my Photography.
We moved to Loveland Colorado a year ago and I couldn’t be happier. I love our new home and our new state. I have already met some local artist and we gather every Thursday at a local pub to socialize. I am starting to feel like I’m finally making some friends and trying to see how my artwork will fit in here. I still have the majority of my work in the French Quarter in New Orleans. If you are in New Orleans check out my art at Secondline Art & Antiques 1209 Decatur St, New Orleans, LA 70116.
I have a new studio in my home which I love, however a lot of my “junk” (for lack of a better word) is still packed away in the garage. I hope to get all that sorted out in the summer when it’s a little warmer.
This is where I will be posting from time to time to tell you about pieces that I am currently working on, and to give you a peek into how this assemblage art works in my head.
Essentially I collect junk as I travel to visit David (my husband) at his various job locations around the US. I not only collect rusty metal but also check out the local antique stores, consignment shops, estate sales and garage sales, looking for odd bits and bobs to transform into art. Oh, did I mention that I also use bones in a lot of my work? I’ll give you a little peek at some of my stash, but if I showed you all of it you might think I’m a hoarder LOL.
I am fortunate to have some hunting buddies who occasionally save me some cool animal and bird bones. I consider myself a recycler on an artistic level.
In the mean time I have been working on some small shrines and warrior shields along with some other mixed media pieces. To be quite frank, I’ve had a hard time staying focused on one thing. Since I haven’t been able to get to all my “stuff” I find myself starting new pieces in different mediums. This isn’t the worse thing and has opened me to discovering new things.
In October I went on the yearly pilgrimage to Oaxaca Mexico with a group o Artist Friends led by Michale DeMeng. We are there 11 days during the Day of the Dead. It was an awesome trip and we visited several local artist studios. I will write about that in another blog along with photos. This is always a source of reflection and inspiration being with so many talented artist. It definitely gives me a creative boost.
I am ready for a new creative year and I hope you will journey along with me and I welcome your comments, constructive criticism and above all your support.
Here’s to a new beginning.
Sheila Newcomer
You go, girl! Love to see your work!
Maxine Gordon
Terie, thank You so.much for sharing your studio, love your “staff” and all of the pieces and parts that inspire you. Your work inspires me!
Looking forward to new adventures with you soon. Love ya girl.
Larry Geter
I really Love It. Congratulations! 🙏🏾❤️
Altha Graham
Nice new website! I can’t wait to see photos of your work! Congratulations on your new she shed/ studio! 💕
Jan DeLong
All of your work is gorgeous! So very proud of you!
MH Freeman
♥️I well remember the “Tickled to Death” picture … and… I can ALMOST remember where we were when you acquired it. Was it when I lived in Roxboro? Love you.♥️
Larry Geter
It’s awesome and I Love It. Congratulations!🙏🏾❤️